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Life Purpose and Business Coaching Programs
for Soulful Entrepreneurs
* Since 1999 *
Soulful Offerings
*Soulful Business Design*
Business Coaching and Creative Design Services
*Dream It. Begin It.*
Soulful Start-Up Business Coaching and Training Program
Meet Valerie
Valerie Rickel is a Life Purpose, Business and Marketing Coach and the Founder and Creator of SoulfulLiving.com, a popular, 25-year-old online magazine and community devoted to personal growth and spiritual development. She is also the Lead Coach and Creator of Dream It. Begin It., a life purpose and business-startup coaching program designed specifically for soulful dreamers and heart-centered entrepreneurs.
Valerie’s greatest passion in life is living a soulful, purposeful life and helping others do the same.
A creative entrepreneur by nature, Valerie is also a writer, designer, photographer, and product developer and enjoys spending her time creating heart-centered, soulful ventures and supporting other entrepreneurs in pursuit of their creative dreams. For the past 25 years, she has been offering business coaching, marketing consulting, and design services to a wide variety of soulful clients and entrepreneurs, as The Creative Soul®.
Her business client roster includes best-selling authors, thought leaders, visionaries, spiritual luminaries, life coaches, psychologists, yoga teachers, personal trainers, wellness experts, jewelry designers, artists, and many other creative souls, soulful dreamers and entrepreneurs.
As a multi-passionate entrepreneur, Valerie has been indulging her creative soul through the birthing of a variety of soulful dreams over the last two decades. These projects have included the development and creation of SoulfulLiving.com, an award-winning website and community that Valerie launched at midnight on January 1, 2000, in honor of the New Millennium. Over the past 25 years, she has has been editing and publishing thousands of articles at Soulful Living, sharing the wisdom of hundreds of best-selling authors and experts in the fields of personal and spiritual growth. Today, the website’s Facebook page reaches over 100,000 fans. The creation of SoulfulLiving.com was inspired by the passing of Valerie’s father, and she considers this soul project to be her soulful life calling and one of the most meaningful experiences of her lifetime.
in 2001, Valerie developed an ecommerce store to complement the offerings at SoulfulLiving.com. Named “The Mandala Collection,” the gift store offered a soulfully curated selection of sacred jewelry, art, yoga products, meditation supplies, and custom-themed gift baskets. Her love for mandalas led her to design and develop Mandala Soap in 2006, a collection of soulful “stained-glass” soap bars embedded with colorful, repurposeable and frameable mandala art images.
In more recent years, she launched her signature coaching programs, the “Divine Spark Sessions,” offering a deep-dive into one’s heart and soul to discover one’s life purpose and deepest calling in the world, and Dream It. Begin It.”, a business-startup coaching program for like-minded soulful entrepreneurs, dreamers and creators.
Born and raised in Los Angeles, California, Valerie now makes her home in the beautiful state of New York. Prior to pursuing her soulful life dreams, Valerie worked as a marketing director in the retail shopping center industry, marketing three of Los Angeles’ largest, upscale, super-regional shopping malls: the Westside Pavilion, the Northridge Fashion Center, and the Glendale Galleria. She graduated with honors from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), where she earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in geography, with a focus in psychology.
Valerie and her website, SoulfulLiving.com, have been featured in numerous print publications, including Carol Adrienne’s book, When Life Changes or You Wish It Would; Pat Sampson’s book, The Power of Positive People; Meg Sanders’ book, The Good Web Guide to Mind, Body and Spirit; The Los Angeles Business Journal; Health magazine; Health and Fitness Magazine; UCLAlumni Magazine; Gospel Today magazine; and most recently, Bryant McGill’s book, Simple Reminders.
You can read more about Valerie here and read her blog, “Everyday Miracles,” here.
Client Love Notes
Soulful Musings
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"If I create from the heart, nearly everything works; if from the head, almost nothing." —Marc Chagall
© Copyright 1999-2025 Valerie Rickel and The Creative Soul®. All Rights Reserved.